Imperial Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

5 Tips For Identity Theft Protection

Its that time of year.

This is when we all start getting those emails that want to steal our secret codes and passwords. You know the ones: Your Account Is About To Be Closed, Theres A Block On Your Account,, Congratulations Youve Won The Lottery (that you never entered).and my favorite Could You Help Me Claim My Funds?.

This is also the time of year when we start shopping for gifts and the last thing you need is for your bank or credit card accounts to be stolen by cyber grifters. They are counting on some of us to follow the instructions in the email.

First and foremost, DONT FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE EMAIL! If you think there might be a problem, access the account in question as you normally do on your PC and not with the link supplied in the phony email.

Ive had some very authentic looking email supposedly from banks, that even went so far as to copy the colors of the bank logo and stationery style. But, dont fall for the scam. In fact, dont even open the email, because many are just set to loose a virus program on your computer by being opened. Simply forward the suspicious email to the spoof email address supplied by your bank, or credit card company.

Identity Theft is a worldwide epidemic. According to the Better Business Bureau and Javelin Research, almost 9 million Americans fell prey to identity theft this year with fraud costing businesses and individuals over $56 billion dollars.

There are ways to reduce your chances of identity theft:

1. Understand debit card dangers: When it comes to fraud, debit cards carry much greater personal liability than credit cards, depending on how quickly you report the loss of the card. If you fail to report unauthorized use within 60 days of receiving your bank statements, you could lose all the money in the account and be held responsible for the amount of money that has been tapped from your line of credit.

2. Rethink check writing: That little slip of paper has way too much information. Some experts advise against check writing because it gives away your address, bank account number, signature and license number to complete strangers. On top of that, theres no federal legislation to limit your liability for forged checks (each state has its own set of rules). Experts advise that you look into automating your bill paying.

3. Secure your mail: Your mailbox is a goldmine of information. Between bank statement, bills, and all those pre-approved credit card offers, your mailbox is loaded with personal data which identity thieves can use to easily apply for a credit card in your name. Unless you diligently check your credit report, you may never even know about it. One way to avoid this is to have your mailbox under lock and key, but most of us in Santa Clarita have our mailboxes at the curb in front of our house and the postman frowns on carrying dozens and dozens of keys around. The other solution is to have a rented mailbox, or to foil dumpster-diving thieves by buying a shredder and destroy documents before discarding.

4. Go virtual: For shopping online, there are virtual card numbers. These are randomly generated credit card numbers that are disposable and that on-line shoppers use once and throw away. Its linked directly to your real credit card account so purchases show up on your monthly bill. The service is easy to use and its FREE! All you need to do is register with companies offering the virtual card, and they are MBNA, Discover, and Citigroup.

5. Create an emergency identity kit: Would you know how to contact your credit card company in an emergency? Create an emergency kit that contains: your account number, expiration date, issuing company name, and emergency contact number for each card you own. While youre at it, make copies of your drivers license, social security card, birth certificate and passport and store them in a locked box or file cabinet, or a safe deposit box. I like the safe deposit box best, because this gives you protection in the event of a catastrophe such as fire, earthquake, etc.

This may all seem like a lot of unnecessary work, but if youre ever the victim of identity theft even just once youll realize that its well worth the effort.

Many of us forget that were it not for what we carry in our wallets or in our purses, were all John and Jane Does if we cant speak due to injury or are unaccompanied by someone who knows us. How much less stressful is it to know that in a bank box, no matter where you are, there are items that can verify your identity. Better to be safe, than sorry!

Daryl Campbell invites you to check out Blog46850
Barbara Blog68383

Cover Letters

I will routinely advise new writers to make sure their cover letters are professional in tone. All additional correspondence with an editor should be similarly professional.

There are a few other details regarding a cover letter that may be of interest. For instance, if you can't say what needs to be said in one page, you need to say it again. It is bad form to send a cover letter that is longer than one page. The person you are sending the cover letter to may make a judgement about your potential based on the first 20 seconds of your cover letter. If your cover letter is not concise and professional, the letter may be put aside without further consideration. One thing that may help in keeping your letter concise is to work at keeping your sentences short. Twelve to fifteen words should be the target word count for sentences in your cover letter.

There are also certain fonts that you can use to instill a contemporary feeling (such as Arial and Verdana) while there are more traditional fonts that may be used in other instances (such as Times New Roman). Avoid the use of obscure font choices, you want your letter to be readable and the use of these fonts or extensive special formatting can actually detract from your presentation.

When writing your letter make sure to avoid the use of words and phrases that aren't routinely found in daily conversation. Just because your letter is professional doesn't mean that it morphs into something that is less than conversational. You should be able to read your letter out loud and have it sound very much like your normal language and vocabulary use.

Try to take a 'less is more' approach to your cover letter. As mentioned earlier choose one font, keep it simple, no more than one page and use black ink on clean white paper. If the color or font is distracting to the reader it is less likely to gain a fair hearing. Unlike most writing, cover letter writing relies on clarity and that means being concise.

Beyond the construction of the letter, you should include a paragraph dedicated to the summary of your literary work. You should also include a marketing summary that simply states why your work is unique and marketable.

Your letter should express appreciation to the publisher for the time they spend with your manuscript.

One final tip is to be patient. Allow the material to go through proper channels. It can take a few weeks or as much as a year to receive correspondence from the publisher. If you contact them before the end of their stated consideration timeframe, it may decrease your chances of acceptance.

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of FaithWriters ( and many other web projects. FaithWriters has grown to become one of the largest online destinations for Christian writers. Please visit the website at: http://www.faithwriters.comLesya Blog56421
Joshua Blog55250

4 Things To Consider When Applying To College

When applying for college, do you only think about what you're going to do when you get there? Or do you think about what the college is going to do for you? Applying for college isn't just about fun and games, it's about picking the right college; the college that will help you succeed. So the next time you sit down to fill out those college applications, keep these four tips in mind:

1. Goals.

How often have you heard friends wish theyd gone to a different college? A college that was more suited to their interests and dreams and not their checkbook? A big mistake is to assume that every college has what youre looking for. Take the time to research the colleges youre interested in and rank them by academics: courses, degrees, accreditations, and the ability to transfer and further your education.

2. Interests.

As much you want an education, if its not fun and exciting, youre sure to stop attending classes. So the next thing on your list to rank is interests: what are the teachers like? Do they make class fun and interesting or do they simply read from a list of notes in a monotone voice?

3. Extra-curricular Activities.

Lets face it, no college would be complete without fraternities, sporting events, clubs, and so forth. But what you need to keep in mind is how these events and clubs will benefit you in the future. Will they look good on your resume? Will they provide additional skills? Or are they simply a fun way to get distracted?

4. Financing.

No matter what your list says, the final ranking truly does come down to finances. If you dont have the funds to attend college, youll need scholarships, grants, and student loans. Make sure your college admissions officer understands how these programs work so that you get the best deal possible.

The Institute of Allied Medical Professions, also known as IAMP, has an established record for turning out some of the best medical students in the country. To learn more about IAMPs medical schools, our courses, or the industry visit our blog at or our main website at Harold Blog12901
Clement Blog67627

Earn Your Diploma With Online High School Classes

You can complete your diploma with online high school classes. Online classes work well for those who left high school early and need to complete their education, those who want to graduate from high school early and homeschoolers who need a recognized high school diploma.

Left School Early

If you left high school early, you have probably already discovered that you really need a high school diploma. Not having one severely limits your employment possibilities. You cannot enter the military or go to college without a high school education. You're really stuck, and completing your education is the only way out.

You can earn your diploma by taking distance learning classes online. That way, you can take the classes when it's convenient to you. You take the classes by computer, and your classroom is wherever you can access a computer with internet service. You take online high school classes at your convenience and at your own pace. You can accelerate through the classes, or take as much time as you need.

Early Graduation

Most people who want to graduate early want to enroll in college. If that is your goal, e-learning will help you get graduation requirements completed on your timeline. You can accelerate through the required classes and graduate one or two years early. Your home school district may even offer free online classes that will help you graduate early.

If you are hoping to enter college after early graduation, online education allows you to explore college classes at the same time you are completing your high school classes. Even before you are formally accepted into a college, you can take classes online from accredited universities. These classes will transfer to your college after you are accepted.


The rules for homeschooling vary from state to state, but wherever you are, one of the dilemmas homeschoolers face is high school graduation. Few states recognize homeschool courses, so most states won't grant a diploma to homeschoolers. Some homeschools and homeschool organizations issue their own diplomas, but they usually aren't accepted as valid. The military, colleges and employers may refuse to accept a homeschool diploma.

Some homeschoolers take the GED to validate their education. The GED doesn't have the same acceptance as a high school diploma, though.

Online high school classes are a good option for homeschoolers. They can complete the requirements for a recognized high school diploma while homeschooling by using online learning.

Taking high school classes online is a good option for any non-traditional student. It's a good way to complete high school on your terms, in a way that fits into your lifestyle.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of where you can find the best distance learning programs and degrees to suit your needs including online college courses.Eudes Blog88475
Ignace Blog97678

Easy Ways To Lose 10 Pounds

People want to lose weight for many different reasons, be it to look better, feel healthier, or for more confidence. A good weight loss goal to set in the beginning is to lose 10 pounds. Losing 10 pounds is achievable for anyone who sets their mind to it, and the ideal way of losing weight is to make some small changes in diet and increase in exercise.

Some people follow a strict weight loss approach in the hopes of losing 10 pounds quickly. However, because these rule are so restrictive, they are probably going to be hard to stick to, and if you stray from the diet, those 10 pounds are probably going to come right back.

A better way to lose 10 pounds is to change your eating habits. Though this may take longer to lose weight, at least the weight loss is likely to be more permanent. When you take a closer look at your eating habits, you'll realize how often you snack out of habit and not out of hunger, for example when watching TV.

People also eat way too much. The body is slow in registering the "full" signal from the stomach, so the body only "feels" full 20 minutes after you actually are full. So try to listen to your body more closely, and stop eating when you start to feel slightly full. It also helps if you chew your food more slowly, as this will allow your body more time to receive the "full" signal from the stomach. It also helps to eat less fattening food and unhealthy food such as cream cheese or salted chips or chicken skin.

Another approach to weight loss is to make lifestyle changes that incorporate more activities into your day-to-day routine. This is an easier way to lose pounds and to keep them off. Take a look at your daily habits and see where you can make small changes to help you lose weight. One way to get started is to bike, instead of driving, to work. Biking to work will help burn a lot of calories in your body, plus you will be able to save money on gasoline and be environmentally friendly. Other changes you can make include going for a quick walk during your lunch break instead of sitting idle at your desk, and taking the stairs instead of the lift.

If you are the more active type, you could go hiking or swimming, something recreational and fun, yet geared towards helping you lose weight. It is so much easier to lose weight when you are doing something you enjoy.

Many find the diet changes or exercise regimens for quick weight loss unrealistic. By making small changes in your dietary and lifestyle habits you will find weight loss a breeze, plus you will easily keep the weight off.

Sue JanElisee Blog96147
Eric Blog14716

Parenting Concepts: Guides To Great Parenting

Parenting skills are something that new parents can only learn on the fly. It is not really something that comes with a set of directions. What parents can do is make the commitment to invest the time, effort, and dedication necessary to raise their children to be honest, responsible people.

It would be impossible to draw up a list of list of hard and fast rules and methods for parenting. Simply because not all family situations are alike, and not all children respond to parenting methods in the same way. If this is so, does that make any talk of learning about parenting useless?

Absolutely not! While methods may have differing effects, and every situation calls for a different set of rules, the things that should remain constant are the basic concepts each parent must learn. These concepts will help guide parents in their constant effort to be better parents.

Unconditional Love Unconditional love is one of the concepts that should permeate every action and every interaction between parent and child. It is also one of the most misunderstood concepts. How a parent expresses this to the child may very well determine how the child views himself, and his/her worth.

Many children grow up with a low sense of self-esteem as a result of many different factors. They may feel that the love they are shown depends on their accomplishments. Or, they may feel unwanted, or unloved.

All parents should, early on, be certain to show their children how important they are, no matter what, so that they can grow-up loving in the same way. This concept is very important in building self worth.

Responsibility Children should grow up with a sense of responsibility for their actions, and the things around them. Far too many children grow up to be irresponsible parents, friends, and family, not caring or not knowing how to care, and to accept their own responsibilities.

Children who grow without a sense of responsibility too often find themselves blaming other people for things they should be dealing with themselves. Alternately, lack of responsibility training could cause children to blame themselves for things that they have no control over. This is an opposite, but equally undesirable problem.

Responsible children learn to care for and properly manage their time and resources and ultimately your time and resources as a parent as well!

Respect Children should be taught to respect at an early age. They learn that there are people that they should answer to, and that there is organization within every social unit. They learn that no matter whom the person they are talking to, that person has worth and should be respected.

This will help make relationships grow smoothly; as respect is one of the foundations of any good relationship. Children who learn to give and expect respect in return, adjust better to other people than those who dont.

Conclusion - As a parent one helpful illustration might be to think of raising children as being like flying a kite - you let the kite fly into to the wind, giving slack as the kite flies higher, and reining it in if overwhelmed by the wind. But, like the kite, if properly flown your children could accomplish greater heights of personal development with the help of your support and parenting.

Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internets most popular topics. Dame Blog86550
Kirbee Blog80267

Dont Let Your First Year Ruin Your Chances Of Success

Have you heard how difficult college can be the first year? Transitioning from high school to college is no walk in the park. Many students move out of their comfy, safe homes to tackle life as an adult for the very first time, causing students to struggle under the pressure. Balancing part-time jobs, club activities, sporting events, socializing, and course work can be daunting, but it doesnt have to be.

Contrary to what your classmates say, the key to succeeding in college is not networking, joining as many social clubs as you can, or attending every party on campus. The key to succeeding in college is hard workplain and simple. And to help you succeed, weve come up with a few simple tips to make the transition from high school student to college student easier:

1. Purchase a portable file cabinet. In your file cabinet, keep important documents in hanging folders. Documents like: school transcripts, college acceptance letters, letters of recommendations, resumes, scholarship information, bills by name, emergency contact numbers, and your social security card.

2. Purchase a planner. While it may seem dorky to carry a planner with you everywhere you go, its a great way to make sure you dont over-commit yourself. Pencil in extra-curricular activities, but PEN in school and job obligations. While you can cancel extra-curricular activities, or arrange them to fit your schedule, classes, test dates, and work days cannot be altered. And to help remind of those important test dates, highlight the dates with a yellow marker.

3. Set realistic goals. One reason some college students dont succeed the first year is because they do not take the time to set realistic goals. In your minds eye, you are Superman and can accomplish anything you set your mind to, even if it means juggling two important obligations on the same day, at the same time. But real life isnt a movie. You cannot be in two places at the same time, nor can you complete a three hour project in only 30 minutes. Know your goals. Understand them, break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks, then schedule specific dates and times on your calendar to complete those tasks.

4. Find a study partner. Difficult classes should never be taken without the help of a study partner. Study partners are great for bouncing ideas off, keeping you accountable when youd rather flake on a difficult subject, and even encourage you to seek a tutor. They also make planning regular study sessions fun!

5. Visit your student advisor or counselor. Student counselors are available to help make your transition painless. They can provide a list of resources for scholarships and grants, make sure you stay on track academically, provide a list of tutors, and even offer advice on personal subject matters that may be causing havoc in your school life.

6. Keep your space clean and organized. When your living space is clean, your soul feels relaxed and youre more apt to study than run away. An organized space will also save you from missing important deadlines and keep you from spending hours searching for your latest college assignment.

7. Have fun. All work and no play not only makes Jack a dull boy, but when you dont take the time to have a little fun, your work and study schedule can feel burdensome which can hurt your study habits and test scores.

Finally, take care of your health by making time for exercising, getting plenty of rest, and eating healthy foods.

The Institute of Allied Medical Professions, also known as IAMP, has an established record for turning out some of the best medical students in the country. To learn more about IAMPs medical schools, our courses, or the industry visit our blog at or our main website at Fourier Blog2054
Florentin Blog86669

The King of Queens (Season 2) DVD Review

A spin-off of the popular TV series Everybody Loves Raymond, King of Queens first hit the airwaves in the Fall of 1998. The show follows the life of Doug Heffernan (played by comedian Kevin James), a package delivery man for IPS (far different from UPS for you litigious-minded readers out there), and the show utilizes much of the same marital and relationship humor found in Ray Romano's blockbuster sitcom. With seven successful seasons under its belt, and even more yet to come, King of Queens is a hilarious comedy series well worth one's time and attention

King of Queens revolves around the life of Doug Heffernan, a hard-working, sports-loving parcel delivery man living in Queens, New York. In his thirties, and married to a lovely woman named Carrie (Leah Remini - who played Carla's daughter on the hit show Cheers), Doug spends most of his non-working hours basking in the glow of his state-of-the-art 70-inch TV with two buddies who share his fanatical love of sports, Spence (Patton Oswalt) and Deacon (Victor Williams). But Doug's personal paradise suffers a devastating blow when Carrie's widowed father Arthur (Jerry Stiller of Seinfeld fame) moves in with the couple. Doug's TV fantasy room is converted into an in-law suite, and after several failed relocation attempts, the TV is pushed into the garage Now Doug and Carrie must learn to share their palace with an eccentric, and oftentimes annoying, father/father-in-law with a penchant for messing up the couple's well-grounded routine

The King of Queens (Season 2) DVD features a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere "Queasy Rider" in which Doug buys a motorcycle, clearly violating Carrie's stated wishes. As part of a plan to get Doug to sell the motorcycle, Carrie takes up smoking, telling Doug that she'll give up cigarettes when he gives up the bike. But when Doug sells the bike, Carrie's guilt causes her to buy it back, resulting in some unintended consequences Other notable episodes from Season 2 include "Parent Trapped" in which Deacon and his wife Kelly ask Doug and Carrie to be the godparents of their newborn (they decline, but then regret doing so), and "Net Prophets" in which Doug and Carrie invest their Christmas bonus in the stock of an online company they know little about

Below is a list of episodes included on the King of Queens (Season 2) DVD:

Episode 26 (Queasy Rider) Air Date: 09-20-1999
Episode 27 (Female Problems) Air Date: 09-27-1999
Episode 28 (Assaulted Nuts) Air Date: 10-04-1999
Episode 29 (Parent Trapped) Air Date: 10-11-1999
Episode 30 (Tube Stakes) Air Date: 10-18-1999
Episode 31 (Doug Out) Air Date: 10-25-1999
Episode 32 (Get Away) Air Date: 11-01-1999
Episode 33 (Dire Strayts) Air Date: 11-08-1999
Episode 34 (I, Candy) Air Date: 11-15-1999
Episode 35 (Roamin' Holiday) Air Date: 11-22-1999
Episode 36 (Sparing Carrie) Air Date: 11-29-1999
Episode 37 (Net Prophets) Air Date: 12-13-1999
Episode 38 (Party Favor) Air Date: 01-10-2000
Episode 39 (Block Buster) Air Date: 01-17-2000
Episode 40 (Frozen Pop) Air Date: 01-24-2000
Episode 41 (Fair Game) Air Date: 02-07-2000
Episode 42 (Meet By-Product) Air Date: 02-14-2000
Episode 43 (The Shmenkmans) Air Date: 02-21-2000
Episode 44 (Surprise Artie) Air Date: 02-28-2000
Episode 45 (Wild Cards) Air Date: 03-06-2000
Episode 46 (Big Dougie) Air Date: 04-17-2000
Episode 47 (Soft Touch) Air Date: 05-01-2000
Episode 48 (Restaurant Row) Air Date: 05-08-2000
Episode 49 (Flower Power) Air Date: 05-15-2000
Episode 50 (Whine Country) Air Date: 05-22-2000

Britt Gillette is author of The DVD Report, a blog where you can find where you can find more reviews of movies and TV series. Source: Blog84208
Julien Blog73887

Panama Mortgage Investor Program

Introduction - Panama is a wonderful place for real estate investors. Panama is the number one retirement haven in the world. Panama is the number one tax haven in the world. Panama has the worlds second largest duty free-zone, Hong Kong being the worlds largest duty free zone. Panama is a city of about 9 square miles and has 135 real estate projects under construction in and around the city and another 50 or so projects not yet started. Now comes the Panama Canal expansion which will involve lots or workers and expenditures well into the billions of dollars. Panama real estate is in the early years of a boom cycle with steeply rising prices.

Why Mortgages? Because it is a secure way to realize a generous return on your investment. With real estate appreciation going the way it has been in the last two years your investment outlook is encouraging to say the least.

How does it work? We legally represent you the lender as your law firm in Panama. You use an offshore (outside of Panama) Corporation and bank account in a tax haven country to avoid any Panama taxation issues on the interest income generated from the loan payments as well as avoiding any taxation in the jurisdiction the corporation and bank are located. If the loan payments are sent to a bank offshore to Panama there would be no Panama taxation. A bearer share corporation in a tax haven out of Panama can be used to cover the transaction with anonymity or one could receive the funds into a personal bank account if they were not interested in anonymity. Only prime properties purchased at below market rates would be considered. The LTV would never exceed 75% and would be calculated against two appraisals from recognized appraisers. The borrower would be acquiring the real estate so these would be purchase money instruments, not refinancing, not construction, not land loans and not against commercial property, just residential property. The borrower would be using an anonymous Panama Bearer Share Corporation to acquire the real estate. The underwriting of the loan would be strictly against the property only. There would be no credit reports and no financial information on the borrowers to protect their privacy. The bearer share corporation that is buying the real estate would pledge the stock certificates of the corporation to the lender which essentially gives the lender the control over the real estate contractually in the event of a default. This would avoid normal foreclosure procedures. The contract between borrower and lender would stipulate that in the event three consecutive payments were not made, you the lender would have control of the property and would be able to sell it. The exact terms are negotiable. The borrower would not have a rental agreement. You can control how many consecutive payments would need to be missed but the borrower has to agree to the terms as well so they must be acceptable to both sides. We can arrange for a company to service the loan or you can do so yourself, there really isnt very much to do. In the event of a missed payment or default we can represent you as your law firm and inquire of the borrower, proceed to recover your investment, etc. We could arrange for annual inspections, etc. We can use several strategies to effectively maintain your privacy and anonymity as a lender.

Details Of course the rate of return is going to be an important consideration. You could figure on a rate of at least 1 % over the 5 year CD rate in a substantial Panama Bank. The rate is generally going to be fixed but a variable could be negotiated, depends on the borrower. The term of the loan can be 5 to 15 years. A 5 year interest only loan is popular. There are sixty payments, 59 payments are interest only on the entire principal and the 60th payment is a balloon payment for the principal. This means at the end of the five years the borrower must pay off the note, refinance, sell or roll the mortgage over if you are willing. On the other hand you could do a 15 year fully amortized mortgage. Prepayment penalties can be negotiated. If the properties are owner occupied or not will vary on a case by case basis. Borrowers will provide adequate property insurance made out in favor of the corporation owning the property. The borrowers often live in several countries and move around throughout the year. Generally the borrowers will not be Panama citizens, thus the borrowers will not be appearing in any Panama credit reports. Panamanians can get 90% financing from conventional lenders with terms extending out to 25 years depending on how old they are. Non-Panamanians have a hard time financing real estate in Panama especially if they are older and retired. Lenders will often ask them to post life insurance and require very large down payments like up to 40%. Owner financing in Panama is something rarely ever encountered. Property values will be at least $200,000 so the loan amount would be $150,000 as a minimum. It is difficult to find prime properties for less than this amount. We have no maximum value. Penthouses in the newer projects run in excess of one million dollars and are often 7,000 sq. ft. in size occupying a whole floor. Many single family homes are over 7,000 sq. ft. If we are dealing with a loan amount in excess of one million dollars one could generally expect a slightly higher interest rate.

Investors Please contact us for further details.

Ronald Edwards is a researcher, with years of experience in finances and real estate.Corinne Blog31518
Leilah Blog26651

Five Good Reasons for Buying Out-of-State Homes and Why a Real Estate Buyers Agent Is Key for All

When some people decide to buy property outside the state in which they currently live, they may be doing it with a lot of knowledge already. They could have the resources of friends and family already living in that state, or the experience of having visited and spent significant amounts of time in the state.

For others, however, the choice to buy real estate whether it's a commercial property, a single home, a condo, or even just bare land can seem daunting without some knowledge of the new state.

Of course, there's some research you can do for yourself. You'll have to narrow it down to the state (and maybe even a county or region) on your own. But when you get down to choosing a city or town, the best source of information is going to be a well-qualified real estate buyer's agent or broker.

Here are five reasons why most people buy out-of-state, and how a real estate agent or broker can assist with all of these scenarios.

1. Retirement. Retiring used to be simple. You bought a place wherever you liked the weather, and you stayed there. Now, though, people live longer, retire earlier, and have active and diverse retirement lifestyles. An agent or broker based in the region you're considering can help you pinpoint the best spot for the lifestyle you want to have.

2. Rental income. If you buy property but don't plan to use it all the time, you might think about renting it out either by advertising locally, or using a website like Either way, a local agent or broker can give you the scoop on everything from advertising options to cleaning services to management companies and landscaping pros in the area.

3. Vacation destination. Do you like skiing? Surfing? Boating? Hiking? Cultural attractions? Tourist attractions? Some or all of the above? The great thing about talking to an agent or broker in advance is that he or she can also tell you what's available in the area, with the confidence and insider knowledge of a local resident.

4. Family relocation. The reasons to relocate are many: change in job, change in lifestyle, moving closer to (or farther away from) family, choosing a different environment for raising your kids, lower cost of living, even lower taxes. You'll be able to do a lot of research about the state you want to go to, but when it gets down to picking cities or towns, finding a local agent or broker who knows the lay of the land is vital to being satisfied with the ultimate decision you make.

5. Real estate investing. As evidenced by TV shows like "Flip This House," buying homes to fix up and re-sell ASAP is a growing trend. And with foreclosures at a 30-year high, more and more homes can be found for this purpose. With the help of an agent or broker in-state, you can easily find the lenders offering houses for sale, reliable people to do the upgrades, and even market the property for sale.

Ideally, you'd want to spend as much time in the state in which you want to buy exploring, asking questions, and seeing for yourself what the experience will be like, and how it fits into your specific situations and desires. But most folks don't have the time or resources to do that.

And in those cases, the local real estate buyer's agent or broker can be one of your first and best friends in that new state.

Allen VoivodFerrari Blog50450
Ferdinand Blog93780

A Plus B Equals C: A Poker Player's Worth is Judged by His Bottom Line

Some poker strategies will surprise you with their simplicity. This is one of them. Write down your results, every single time you play.

In common with all churches, we believe in donations. Bad players will pay your mortgage for you every month, and enjoy themselves as they lose their money to you.

But how much? You must make detailed notes.

Church of Texas Holdem Psalm #3:

Thou must record thy wins and thy loses; for it is the sum of all a mans achievements which create his bottom line.

How detailed is up to you. I tend to think that hourly rates and that kind of intimate detail is wasted. Simply work out how much ahead you are and how much (if anything) you have withdrawn. Of course, if you lose, record that too, no matter how much it hurts.

Don't forget to record what type of game you're playing, if that's important to you. (In my experience, most players stick to what they know and don't experiment. If all you do is keep up, down and withdrawals, you're way ahead of most players out there!)

Give yourself realistic goals, such as a 'dream' target (new car, holiday or whatever). When you withdraw, add the dollars taken out to your dream counter. The more successful you are, the nearer that dream will get!

Do I ever get tired of giving advice which makes you work harder? Yes. Of course. Who said religion was an easy path to take? But keep following the path and you will become a better, richer poker player!

Here endeth the lesson.

Ashley Cotter-Cairns is also known as Father Ashley of the Church of Texas Holdem. Lost in the poker wilderness? Visit to receive the teachings of the poker gods!Legra Blog92395
Carole Blog80867

Attain Your Personal Goals!!! Get Fast Secured Personal Loan

Fast secured personal loans provide you with the fast and secured financial support for fulfillment of your personal goals which needs money. These goals could be buying property for residential or commercial purpose, traveling places, business financing, debt consolidation or wedding and education of children and many more needs.

Fast secured personal loans are backed up by any of borrowers property or asset which yields some value. A fast secured personal loan offers you amount between ₤5000 to ₤75000 at low interest rates for a repayment period of 5 to 25 years based upon the amount borrowed. Fast secured personal loan also considers people with bad credit as the loan is secured.

Things to look for while going for a fast secured personal loan:

Hidden charges As the competition among the fast secured personal loan lenders is increasing day by day in the loans market. Lenders are reducing the interest rates. But they are trying to cover up for this loss in form of hidden cost for various reasons. You should be very much alert regarding these charges while going through the small prints i.e. terms and conditions for the loan.

Typical APR The APR or annual percentage rate reflects the total cost of the loan to the borrower. Lenders calculate APR of a fast secured personal loan through the principle of risk based pricing. According to this system, lenders analyze a borrowers credit status and current circumstances before deciding the rate of interest for the loan.

Early repayment penalty charges If the borrower repays the loan amount before the completion of agreed term instead of saving his money, could cost him in form of penalty charges. There is no fixed amount as it depends upon the term left for repayment and the policy of the lender.

Repayment capacity Determine your repayment capacity before selecting any amount to be borrowed. Getting larger amount can result in loss of collateral as lender can get the possession of collateral in case of defaults in repayments.

Finding and applying for a fast secured personal loan

Gone are the days when people used to travel to visit offices of fast secured personal loan lenders. It was not possible to visit each and every lender, the research remains incomplete. As a result of this they have to pay higher interest rates on these loans when better and lower alternatives are available. But now when the online option is available, you can go through a large number of loan quotes available with numerous lenders in the market. These quotes are freely available and no upfront costs are charged from the borrowers while applying. All these characteristics make a fast secured personal loan, the most simple and affordable way to raise funds.

Fast secured personal loans are quickly approved after the collateral valuation has been done and are ready to serve you and your wishes.

Gary Grobowski is working as financial consultant for ersonalSecuredLoans. He holds a masters degree in Finance. To find a secured personal loans, fast secured personal loan, bad credit secured personal loans, no credit check secured personal loans visit http://www.personalsecuredloans.netLucien Blog28215
Larissa Blog77220

Constructing an All-Weather Mutual Fund Portfolio

Equity mutual funds perform differently in different time periods as investment styles and sectors come in and go out of favor. While screening tools readily provide performance data and make the task of identifying top mutual funds relatively easy, there is more to constructing an all-weather portfolio than screening for the top funds.

This article describes methods of constructing an all-weather portfolio. Before getting into the nitty-gritty of constructing an all-weather portfolio, it helps to know how equity mutual funds are classified and how their performance is impacted by market conditions.

Classification by Market Capitalization & Style

Equity funds are commonly classified based on market capitalization of the companies in which they invest their assets and investment style.

Market capitalization is divided into three categories: large, medium, and small. Investment style likewise is divided into three categories: value, growth, and blend.

Combining both types of classifications, equity mutual funds typically fall into one of nine boxes on a 3 x 3 matrix. This classification system works well in analyzing diversified funds.

Classification by Sector & Industry Group

Instead of dividing the equity market by market capitalization and investment characteristics such as value or growth, an alternative way is to slice it by sectors. The Global Industry Classification System jointly developed by Standard & Poors and Morgan Stanley Capital International, for example, classifies the equity market into ten sectors, such as financials and information technology. Each sector in turn is divided into several industry groups. This classification system is particularly useful for analyzing sector funds that invest their assets in a given sector like information technology or industry group like computer hardware.

Impact of Business Cycle

The net asset value per share of a fund changes in response to the prices of stocks held in its portfolio. Generally speaking, stock prices are impacted by business conditions. The business cycle has various phases to it: Recovery, Boom, Slowdown, and Recession. Different parts of the stock market as seen from market capitalization, style, or sector perspectives perform differently in different phases of the business cycle.

Impact on Diversified Funds

Growth style funds, in general, fare well during expansion phases such as recovery and boom, and value style funds during contraction phases such as slowdown and recession. Likewise, from a capitalization perspective, small cap funds tend to perform better during expansion and large cap funds during contraction.

Looking at the most recent boom-bust cycle, Spectra Fund, a large cap-growth fund, was among the star performers during the 1997-1999 boom. Spectra gained 141% during the three-year period ending October 31, 1999. However, Spectra fared poorly during the 2000-2002 slowdown and lost 52% during the two-year period ending October 31, 2002.

In complete contrast, Hotchkis & Wiley Small Cap Value Fund, which failed to participate in the 1997-1999 boom, was among the top funds during the 2000-2002 slowdown. Following the 30% loss for the two-year period ending June 30, 2000, Hotchkis gained 88% during the two-year period ending June 30, 2002.

Impact on Sector Funds

Like diversified funds, certain sector funds tend to perform better during some phases of the business cycle. Sector funds that invest in economically sensitive sectors such as technology typically tend to perform better during expansion phases. Sector funds that invest in economically less sensitive sectors like consumer staples typically tend to perform better during contraction phases. As a result, a sector fund that performs best in one time-period may not perform as well in another time-period.

Among the 41 Fidelity sector funds, Fidelity Select Energy Services was the top fund in 2005 with a 54% gain. However in 2003, the same fund gained just 8% to be the worst performer.

Constructing an All-Weather Portfolio

Can one select the top fund by knowing what stage the business cycle is in? Unfortunately, things do not get that easy.

Getting the turning points of the business cycle right is less than a science. Although certain styles and sectors are expected to do better during particular stages of the business cycle, there is no certainty they will do so each time. Additionally, stock prices tend to anticipate and lead the business cycle. The performance of a fund therefore usually varies from one economic cycle to another.

So, rather than chase the top funds, a prudent course is to construct a robust, all-weather portfolio.

A) Constructing with Diversified Funds

One way to construct an all-weather portfolio is to use diversified funds that emphasize different types of market capitalizations and investment styles. To simplify the task, one may construct a portfolio using a large cap-growth fund, a large cap-value fund, a small cap-growth fund, and a small cap-value fund.

In evaluating funds in each category, focus on the long-term track record and see how the funds have fared in different market environments. Complement this by evaluating each fund on non-performance-based metrics such as manager tenure, price volatility or risk, mutual fund fees, and mutual fund fiduciary grade. Choose the best available fund in each category and build your portfolio with managers of a dream team caliber.

Alternatively, if you want to restrict yourself to only one fund to start with, you may consider a total market index fund which spans all capitalizations and styles.

B) Constructing with Sector Funds

Sector funds can also be used to construct an all-weather portfolio. This approach offers the advantage of creating customized diversified portfolios by including sectors and industry groups which are likely to outperform the market indexes and excluding those which are likely to under-perform.

The reward potential can be enhanced by concentrating in a few sectors or industry groups. Diversification across several sectors and industry groups serves to mitigate risk. By optimizing the balance between concentration and diversification, one can achieve superior nominal and risk-adjusted returns.

The AlphaProfit Core model portfolio, exemplifies this approach. Over the 33 month period from September 30, 2003 to June 30, 2006, the AlphaProfit Core model portfolio gained 57% compared to 39% for Dow Jones Wilshire 5000 Total Market Index.

Key Points

1. There are no top mutual funds for all times and climes.
2. A prudent course is to build a robust, all-weather portfolio.
3. Diversified funds as well as sector funds can be used to construct an all-weather portfolio.

Notes: This report is for information purposes only. Nothing herein should be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities or to give individual investment advice. This report does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation, and particular needs of any specific person who may receive this report. The information contained in this report is obtained from various sources believed to be accurate and is provided without warranties of any kind. AlphaProfit Investments, LLC does not represent that this information, including any third party information, is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such. AlphaProfit Investments, LLC is not responsible for any errors or omissions herein. Opinions expressed herein reflect the opinion of AlphaProfit Investments, LLC and are subject to change without notice. AlphaProfit Investments, LLC disclaims any liability for any direct or incidental loss incurred by applying any of the information in this report. The third-party trademarks or service marks appearing within this report are the property of their respective owners. All other trademarks appearing herein are the property of AlphaProfit Investments, LLC. Owners and employees of AlphaProfit Investments, LLC for their own accounts invest in the Fidelity Funds included in the AlphaProfit Core and Focus model portfolios. AlphaProfit Investments, LLC neither is associated with nor receives any compensation from Fidelity Investments. Past performance is neither an indication of nor a guarantee for future results. No part of this document may be reproduced in any manner without written permission of AlphaProfit Investments, LLC. Copyright © 2006 AlphaProfit Investments, LLC. All rights reserved.

Sam Subramanian, PhD, MBA is Managing Principal of AlphaProfit Investments, LLC. He edits the AlphaProfit Sector Investors' Newsletter. This mutual fund newsletter provides sector insights and research to help investors construct top mutual fund portfolios. The investment newsletter is ranked #1 by Hulbert Financial Digest. To learn more about the investment newsletter, visit .Lesya Blog56421
Horus Blog68136

Learn To Plan And Save For Your Child's Education

Paying for a childs college education is one of the biggest expenses that parents will face in their lifetime, other than perhaps buying a home. Because of this, parents should take action early on and begin planning and saving when their children are newborns in order to make the most of their savings as well as eliminate any excess financial burdens from waiting until the last minute. There is a time scale of planning that parents should follow from 15 years until college until the day of college. This plan is very helpful and should be followed if at all possible.

When there are 15 years or more until college, then parents should open an Education IRA to save for their childrens college. This IRA has special restrictions and rules, so it is best to talk to your banking representative about the implications involved in this type of account. Also, when there are 15 years or more until college you may consider investing in some more aggressive funds. Aggressive investments should be reserved for this time period only because as the time for college nears you will want to ensure that the money is carefully guarded and not at risk.

When there are 10-15 years until college parents should start looking into prepaid college tuition plans. More and more colleges are offering this type of plan because the cost of tuition is rising exorbitantly and colleges want to offer parents an option for paying college expenses over a longer period of time. If you are not interested in this, then you could simply look into different savings plans supported by your state. This is a great help to many parents and should not be overlooked. In addition to this, during this time period you will want to ensure that any risky or aggressive investments are transferred to more conservative and secure investments.

When college is only five years away, you will want to make sure your investments correspond to the cost of college and that everything is stable and on the right track. If this is not the case, then you can either begin saving more aggressively during this time or rely on student loans to get your child through college.

When your child begins college if you realize you can pay for some of his or her education, but not all, then take out parent or student loans to make up the rest. However, take out the least amount of money in loans as possible. Although student loan interest rates are low, you will not want to be in more debt than necessary.

Finally, make sure you begin saving early and more than likely you will be able to meet your childs education needs with little or no extra support like loans.

Robert Michael is a writer for lacon college which is an excellent place to find college links, resources and articles. For more information go to: http://www.laconcollege.comMarcel Blog23934
Donald Blog64215

Office Furniture Buyer's Guide

Whats the first thought in your mind when you consider buying furniture ware for your office?

- Where from would I get it, local store? Or trip online?
- How much relatively cheaper would this be than that?
- Should I own them or get them on lease?
- Will it suit my office environment & the working conditions?

Interestingly, you might have popped-up all of these, one just besides the other. Your answer! Lets answer each of them right away.

Where Would I Get It?

Depending on your proximity and access to the local/regional furniture stores & the range they serve, you ought to be clear whether offline shopping really worked for you. Alternatively, the www or the space might just land you at the doorstep of your imagination.

How Much Cheaper Would This Be Than That?

Subject to whether you had a home-office or a corporate zone, shelf your coins accordingly. You neednt break a nut just to compute the cheapest quote you got for your home-office. Conversely, you could browse through related sites on the web and get your eyes fixed on. You get a clear comparison & thereby you can decide strategically.

Should I Own Them Or Lease Them?

If its for a newly sprung office, the bottom line is -obtain them on lease. Further ahead, the same could be purchased outright once your business expands. If you are a developed firm, direct purchasing could keep your asset value intact.

Will It Suit My Office Environs And The Working Conditions?

As, if the extent of operations and area of functioning are pre-monitored, you could finally decide on the ergonomics and their impact upon the employees, their work habits, work culture prevailing, extremity of the work schedules and their timely completion.

Now that you are signed on, go get it.

Brian Walls has many years of experience in office furniture making. He writes for various publications on a variety of topics. For more articles on office furniture or to locate a local furniture store, please visit Blog52456
Honorine Blog87890

Hurdle Free Low Cost Finance Ensured On Availing Council Tenant Loan

When a tenant lives in a certain place for considerable duration, he may like to buy that place or home and therefore he is called a council tenant. The tenant also has some rights on repairing or renovating their place of living. Council tenants therefore require funds to maintain the place or home they live in. With their limited income sources, there is no option other then to go for council tenant loan. However council tenant loan providers do not restrict tenants in utilizing loan for different purposes like debt consolidation, enjoying holiday trip, buying a vehicle etc.

Usually tenants do not own property so they can not take a secured loan. Therefore one can say that council tenant loan is normally unsecured loan. Lenders however need to secure the loan in the form of credibility of the tenant. This is done on going through credit history, income source, employment and financial position of the tenant. To take council tenant loan documents of income, employment and others demanded by the lender should be produced.

If the tenant has good credit history, council tenant loan is available to him at easier terms-conditions. He is likely to get higher loan amount at lower interest rate because of his good credentials, though unsecured loans do not come at lower interest rate.

In case tenant has bad credit, council tenant loan is equally available to him. The terms-conditions however may be a bit harder. Because of adverse creditability and history of repeated payment defaults, lenders offer the loan at higher interest rate to cover risk. Bad credit happens to tenants due to payment defaults on their part and County Court Judgments against them.

Council tenant loan is offered for a shorter period which is normally sufficient for paying off smaller loan that tenants normally require. The loan is approved fast as there is no need for lenders to waste time in evaluating collateral. Tenants are also free of any anxiety over loosing property. As far as higher interest rate is concerned, it can be taken care of by comparing different loan packages. Because of increasing competition in the loan market, lenders are willing to reduce interest rate fro deserving candidate.

To avail the loan at low cost, apply online for the loan. Council tenants get number of loan offers in response to the application and can compare for lower interest rate. Online lenders charge no fee on providing relevant information or on processing application.

Council tenant loan enables tenants in availing required finance at comparatively lower interest rate and low cost. The loan may help in improving credit score of tenants if paid back in time.

Peter Taylor is a senior financial analyst at FastCashLoanTenant with an acumen for finance and insurance. In recent years he has taken up to provide independant financial advice through his informative articles. His articles are widely read because of the lucid manner of wriiting and thoroughly researched datas. To find Unsecured tenant Loan , Council tenant loan, Fast cash loan tenant UK, Bad credit tenant loan that best suits your need visit Blog87244
Adeline Blog79756

Monday, February 4, 2008

ADHD Used To Be Known As Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADD. In 1994, It Was Renamed ADHD And Broken Down Into Three Subtypes

What Are the Symptoms?

ADHD used to be known as attention deficit disorder, or ADD. In 1994, it was renamed ADHD and broken down into three subtypes, each with its own pattern of behaviors:

1. an inattentive type, with signs that include:

inability to pay attention to details or a tendency to make careless errors in schoolwork or other activities

difficulty with sustained attention in tasks or play activities

apparent listening problems

difficulty following instructions

problems with organization

avoidance or dislike of tasks that require mental effort

tendency to lose things like toys, notebooks, or homework


forgetfulness in daily activities

2. a hyperactive-impulsive type, with signs that include:

fidgeting or squirming

difficulty remaining seated

excessive running or climbing

difficulty playing quietly

always seeming to be "on the go"

excessive talking

blurting out answers before hearing the full question

difficulty waiting for a turn or in line

problems with interrupting or intruding

3. a combined type, which involves a combination of the other two types and is the most common

Although it can often be challenging to raise kids with ADHD, it's important to remember they aren't "bad," "acting out," or being difficult on purpose. And children who are diagnosed with ADHD have difficulty controlling their behavior without medication or behavioral therapy.

How Is It Diagnosed?

Most cases of ADHD are treated by primary care doctors. Because there's no test that can determine the presence of ADHD, a diagnosis depends on a complete evaluation. When the diagnosis is in doubt, or if there are other concerns, such as Tourette syndrome, a learning disability, or depression, a child may be referred to a neurologist, psychologist, or psychiatrist. Ultimately, though, the primary care doctor gathers the information, makes the diagnosis, and starts treatment.

To be considered for a diagnosis of ADHD:

a child must display behaviors from one of the three subtypes before age 7

these behaviors must be more severe than in other kids the same age

the behaviors must last for at least 6 months

the behaviors must occur in and negatively affect at least two areas of a child's life (such as school, home, day-care settings, or friendships)

The behaviors must also not be linked to stress at home. Children who have experienced a divorce, a move, an illness, a change in school, or other significant life event may suddenly begin to act out or become forgetful. To avoid a misdiagnosis, it's important to consider whether these factors played a role in the onset of symptoms

First, your child's doctor will perform a physical examination of your child and ask you about any concerns and symptoms, your child's past health, your family's health, any medications your child is taking, any allergies your child may have, and other issues. This is called the medical history, and it's important because research has shown that ADHD has a strong genetic link and often runs in families.

Your child's doctor may also perform a physical exam as well as tests to check hearing and vision so other medical conditions can be ruled out. Because some emotional conditions, such as extreme stress, depression, and anxiety, can also look like ADHD, you'll probably be asked to fill out questionnaires that can help rule them out as well.

You'll also likely be asked many questions about your child's development and his or her behaviors at home, at school, and among friends. Other adults who see your child regularly (like teachers, who are often the first to notice ADHD symptoms) will probably be consulted, too. An educational evaluation, which usually includes a school psychologist, may also be done. It's important for everyone involved to be as honest and thorough as possible about your child's strengths and weaknesses.

What Causes ADHD?

ADHD is not caused by poor parenting, too much sugar, or vaccines.

ADHD has biological origins that aren't yet clearly understood. No single cause of ADHD has been identified, but researchers have been exploring a number of possible genetic and environmental links. Studies have shown that many children with ADHD have a close relative who also has the disorder.

Although experts are unsure whether this is a cause of the disorder, they have found that certain areas of the brain are about 5% to 10% smaller in size and activity in children with ADHD. Chemical changes in the brain have been found as well.

Recent research also links smoking during pregnancy to later ADHD in a child. Other risk factors may include premature delivery, very low birth weight, and injuries to the brain at birth.
Some studies have even suggested a link between excessive early television watching and future attention problems. Parents should follow the American Academy of Pediatrics' (AAP) guidelines, which say that children under 2 years old should not have any "screen time" (TV, DVDs or videotapes, computers, or video games) and that kids 2 years and older should be limited to 1 to 2 hours per day, or less, of quality television programming.

What Are Some Related Problems?

One of the difficulties in diagnosing ADHD is that it's often found in conjunction with other problems. These are called coexisting conditions, and about two thirds of all children with ADHD have one. The most common coexisting conditions are:

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder (CD)

At least 35% of all children with ADHD also have oppositional defiant disorder, which is characterized by stubbornness, outbursts of temper, and acts of defiance and rule breaking. Conduct disorder is similar but features more severe hostility and aggression. Children who have conduct disorder are more likely get in trouble with authority figures and, later, possibly with the law. Oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder are seen most commonly with the hyperactive and combined subtypes of ADHD.

Mood Disorders (such as depression)

About 18% of children with ADHD, particularly the inattentive subtype, also experience depression. They may feel inadequate, isolated, frustrated by school failures and social problems, and have low self-esteem.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders affect about 25% of children with ADHD. Symptoms include excessive worry, fear, or panic, which can also lead to physical symptoms such as a racing heart, sweating, stomach pains, and diarrhea. Other forms of anxiety that can accompany ADHD are obsessive-compulsive disorder and Tourette syndrome, as well as motor or vocal tics (movements or sounds that are repeated over and over). A child who has symptoms of these other conditions should be evaluated by a specialist.

Learning Disabilities

About half of all children with ADHD also have a specific learning disability. The most common learning problems are with reading (dyslexia) and handwriting. Although ADHD isn't categorized as a learning disability, its interference with concentration and attention can make it even more difficult for a child to perform well in school.

If your child has ADHD and a coexisting condition, the doctor will carefully consider that when developing a treatment plan. Some treatments are better than others at addressing specific combinations of symptoms.

How Is It Treated?

ADHD can't be cured, but it can be successfully managed. Your child's doctor will work with you to develop an individualized, long-term plan. The goal is to help your child learn to control his or her own behavior and to help families create an atmosphere in which this is most likely to happen.

In most cases, ADHD is best treated with a combination of medication and behavior therapy. Any good treatment plan will require close follow-up and monitoring, and your child's doctor may make adjustments along the way. Because it's important for parents to actively participate in their child's treatment plan, parent education is also considered an important part of ADHD management.


Several different types of medications may be used to treat ADHD:

Stimulants are the best-known treatments - they've been used for more than 50 years in the treatment of ADHD. Some require several doses per day, each lasting about 4 hours; some last up to 12 hours. Possible side effects include decreased appetite, stomachache, irritability, and insomnia.

There's currently no evidence of any long-term side effects.

Nonstimulants were approved for treating ADHD in 2003. These appear to have fewer side effects than stimulants and can last up to 24 hours.

Antidepressants are sometimes a treatment option; however, in 2004 the FDA issued a warning that these drugs may lead to a rare increased risk of suicide in children and teens. If an antidepressant is recommended for your child, be sure to discuss these risks with your doctor.

Medications can affect kids differently, and a child may respond well to one but not another. When determining the correct treatment for your child, the doctor might try various medications in various doses, especially if your child is being treated for ADHD along with another disorder.

Behavioral Therapy

Research has shown that medications used to help curb impulsive behavior and attention difficulties are more effective when they're combined with behavioral therapy.

Behavioral therapy attempts to change behavior patterns by:

reorganizing your child's home and school environment

giving clear directions and commands

setting up a system of consistent rewards for appropriate behaviors and negative consequences for inappropriate ones

Here are some examples of behavioral strategies that may help a child with ADHD:

Create a routine. Try to follow the same schedule every day, from wake-up time to bedtime. Post the schedule in a prominent place, so your child can see where he or she is expected to be throughout the day and when it's time for homework, play, and chores.

Help your child organize. Put schoolbags, clothing, and toys in the same place every day so your child will be less likely to lose them.

Avoid distractions. Turn off the TV, radio, and computer games, especially when your child is doing homework.

Limit choices. Offer your child a choice between two things (this outfit, meal, toy, etc., or that one) so that he or she isn't overwhelmed and over stimulated.

Change your interactions with your child. Instead of long-winded explanations and cajoling, use clear, brief directions to remind your child of his or her responsibilities.

Use goals and rewards. Use a chart to list goals and track positive behaviors, then reward your child's efforts. Be sure the goals are realistic (think baby steps rather than overnight success).

Discipline effectively. Instead of yelling or spanking, use timeouts or removal of privileges as consequences for inappropriate behavior. Younger children may simply need to be distracted or ignored until they display better behavior.

Help your child discover a talent. All kids need to experience success to feel good about themselves. Finding out what your child does well - whether it's sports, art, or music - can boost social skills and self-esteem.

Alternative Treatments

Currently, the only ADHD therapies that have been proven effective in scientific studies are medications and behavioral therapy. But your child's doctor may recommend additional treatments and interventions depending on your child's symptoms and needs. Some kids with ADHD, for example, may also need special educational interventions such as tutoring, occupational therapy, etc. Every child's needs are different.

A number of other alternative therapies are promoted and tried by parents including: megavitamins, body treatments, diet manipulation, allergy treatment, chiropractic treatment, attention training, visual training, and traditional one-on-one "talking" psychotherapy. However, the scientific research that has been done on these therapies has not found them to be effective, and most of these treatments have not been studied carefully, if at all.

Parents should always be wary of any therapy that promises an ADHD "cure," and if they're interested in trying something new, they should be sure to speak with their child's doctor first.

Parent Training

Parenting any child can be tough at times, but parenting a child with ADHD often brings special challenges. Children with ADHD may not respond well to typical parenting practices. Also, because ADHD tends to run in families, parents may also have some problems with organization and consistency themselves and need active coaching to help learn these skills.

Experts recommend parent education and support groups to help family members accept the diagnosis and to teach them how to help their child organize his or her environment, develop problem-solving skills, and cope with frustrations. Parent training can also teach parents to respond appropriately to their child's most trying behaviors and to use calm disciplining techniques. Individual or family counseling may also be helpful.

ADHD in the Classroom

As your child's most important advocate, you should become familiar with your child's medical, legal, and educational rights. Children with ADHD are eligible for special services or accommodations at school under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) and an anti-discrimination law known as Section 504. Keep in touch with your child's teachers and school officials to monitor your child's progress and keep them informed about your child's needs.

In addition to using routines and a clear system of rewards, here are some other tips to share with teachers for classroom success:

Reduce seating distractions. Lessening distractions might be as simple as seating your child near the teacher instead of near the window.

Use a homework folder for parent-teacher communications. The teacher can include assignments and progress notes, and you can check to make sure all work is completed on time.

Break down assignments. Keep instructions clear and brief, breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Give positive reinforcement. Always be on the lookout for positive behaviors. Ask the teacher to offer praise when your child stays seated, doesn't call out, or waits his or her turn, instead of criticizing when he or she doesn't.

Teach good study skills. Underlining, note taking, and reading out loud can help your child stay focused and retain information.

Supervise. Check that your child goes and comes from school with the correct books and materials. Ask that your child be paired with a buddy who can help him or her stay on task.

Be sensitive to self-esteem issues. Ask the teacher to provide feedback to your child in private, and avoid asking your child to perform a task in public that might be too difficult.

Involve the school counselor or psychologist. He or she can help design behavioral programs to address specific problems in the classroom.

Being Your Child's Biggest Supporter

You're a stronger advocate for your child when you foster good partnerships with everyone involved in your child's treatment - that includes teachers, doctors, therapists, and even other family members. Take advantage of all the support and education that's available, and you'll be able to help your child with ADHD navigate his or her way to success.

Listen to Arthur Buchanan on the Mike Litman Show!Gabriel Blog43633
Juste Blog52190

Traffic Mapping For Your Mobile Phone

In late July, Google announced that it will be offering live traffic information to mobile phones in more than thirty U.S. cities. Plans to provide the traffic feature to PCs are still in the works. The Google traffic feature will be released as an update to the free Google Maps for Mobile service, which has been available for 18 months for download on the Google web site. Google would not disclose how many subscribers it has, but it says the number is growing rapidly.

The feature expands Google's mapping technology into an area where Microsoft Corp. and Yahoo already have a presence, but in different ways. Yahoo and Microsoft offer real-time traffic information on their Web-based mapping services for PCs. Microsoft has chosen to move into the mobile space by licensing traffic-monitoring technology for mobile devices to a Kirkland-based startup, InRix Inc. Yahoo currently has no mobile traffic service. MapQuest, an AOL property, offers traffic reports over cell phones for $2.99 per month.

With typical bombast, Microsoft announced that when operable, the InRix mobile service will actually predict upcoming traffic problems however currently the MSN mobile mapping technology provides no traffic information at all.

In the cities where it works, the Google feature will show traffic conditions on most major highways - indicating green for clear roadways, yellow for medium congestion and red for high congestion or stopped traffic. Google Maps will work on most Java-enabled phones offered by Cingular and Sprint and all color BlackBerry devices. The service does not currently work on phones from other major carriers such as Verizon or T-Mobile USA. Google Maps sends the data obtained from an undisclosed source - every five minutes.

Although Google's free service doesn't identify traffic hazards or accidents, it will let drivers know if there is a clogged road. Google also shows the expected drive time for a route when phone users search for driving directions. It has introduced a feature that lets users save their favorite locations and frequently used driving directions for future use.

The three search engines are not alone, however. In February, Rand McNally Traffic began offering a downloadable mobile application that delivers news of real-time traffic flow, accidents, weather conditions and road closures to 94 cities. Rand McNally Traffic is available on Sprint, Nextel, AT&T Wireless and other services for $3.99 a month.

Media giant Clear Channel Communications' Total Traffic Network feeds content in 125 markets in the country to 15 services. One of them provides the information to subscribers with Sprint mobile phones for a $9.99 monthly subscription. That service is relatively new. In addition to weather conditions and traffic information, the service also provides data on gas station prices.

Cell phones are rapidly turning into GPS devices, with localized information as an added feature. It remains to be seen how many people will turn to their cell phone screens for traffic news, one eye on the road and another on the phone. In some states and several local jurisdictions, it is already illegal to use a handheld cell phone while driving. Some of these jurisdictions allow hands free use, but that wont help with a visual feature. It will be interesting to see if this new functionality is limited by governmental concern over safe driving habits.

Madison Lockwood is a customer relations associate for She helps clients understand how a website may benefit them both personally and professionally. Apollo Hosting provides website hosting, ecommerce hosting, & VPS hosting to a wide range of customers.Claude Blog83634
Luc Blog90357

Effective Decision-Making: How To Evaluate Options

I have been fortunate to have a number of mentors and coaches who help me with every facet of my business. And though I have never credited him as being one of my mentors, bits and pieces of my fathers advice play a major role in how I conduct my business.

One of his favorite ditties has to do with execution. He likes to say that the world is filled with ideas and plans, but execution is the key to success.

What may father means is that everyone has a ton of great ideas for starting a business, building a business, adding to a business, etc. Yet very few people will actually stop and execute the idea in their head. This is why most people live lives of mediocrity, because they simply dont act.

So what stops us from acting? Simple: Indecision caused by fear.

This spurs the question: Why does fear cause indecision?

To understand the answer to this question, lets first look at the meaning of the word decision.

The Latin root for the word decision literally means to cut off. This means that when we truly make a decision, we cut off all other options. Although this may seem obvious on the surface, there are far reaching implications that can easily affect taking such an action.

Studies show that most people are literally thinking about the future or the past most of the time. On average, a persons mind will be in the moment for less than five-percent of their entire life.

Whats more, people tend to idolize the past and fear the future. This means that we long for the good ole days and plan for worst case scenario.

This is why making a real decision can be such a problem. We forget all the times in the past that we made hard decisions and everything turned out okay. Simultaneously, we project gloom and doom for any of the options now facing us.

Funny how the mind works, huh?

So, when using a mind that conveniently forgets the past and over-dramatizes the future, how can we ever make a real, rationale decision?

The answer: Values, Vision, Mission and Priorities.

Basically, you need to establish what you and your business are about. You need to establish what principles, desires and beliefs will guide you. When you determine your personal and business Values, Vision, Mission and Priorities, you will then have a yardstick by which to evaluate the decisions and options facing you.

Until you consciously determine your Value, Vision, Mission and Priorities, and use them, all of your decisions are literally made by the seat of your pants.

Now, I must admit that I put my clients through a five-day training program to define and align their personal and business Values, Vision, Mission and Priorities, because these four aspects are that important.

Nonetheless, you can begin to tap into the power of your Values, Vision, Mission and Priorities now, and start using them to help you make more effective decisions immediately.

But before you get to the point of using your Values, Vision, Mission and Priorities in the decision making process, here are some pointers to help make the decision process even easier.

1. Ask for help.

Many times we are afraid to ask for other peoples feedback when faced with a tough decision or we simply get so caught up in our suffering that we forget that there are other people who can give us good ideas.

So, forgo being the tough guy and ask for other peoples opinions. You might be surprised by how easy the decision becomes after youve gotten some objective feedback.

2. Breath.

When projecting the worst case scenario into the future, we tend to get all emotional and fixate on the bad things that will (may possibly) result from our decision.

In this state you cant possibly look at your situation rationally or make an effective decision.

So, go for a walk, or meditate, or go to a movie, etc. Do something to break yourself out of the mind-lock your in. Just go somewhere and forget your troubles for a while.

3. Get real.

When you look at your situation, rationally think about all the possible ramifications or your decision, not just the doom and gloom ones.

Could your situation actually improve as a result of the decision? Would that other person actually be happy you made the decision you did? Could you actually avoid an issue with (fill in the blank)? Etc.

Ask yourself positive questions. When you look for the good that can come from a decision you will start to find it. Remember, what you focus on expands.


Now, if you have gone through the previous three steps and are still having trouble coming to a decision, then it is time to use your Values, Vision, Mission and Priorities.

First, write down all your options. The more you can narrow down your options the easier this process will be.

Second, look at the options in front you. Ask yourself which of these options is in harmony with your values? Which of these options is in conflict with your values?

If none of them is blatantly in conflict with your values, then ask yourself which one(s) feels the most in harmony with your values?

If youre still having trouble, write down your top ten values and then compare those values with your options. Which option(s) is most congruent with those values? Then eliminate the others.

Third, close your eyes and envision the future youd like to see come true.

Simply, what is your vision for your business or your life? Be as detailed as possible when creating this vision in your mind.

Now, look at your remaining options. Which option(s) will most likely and/or most quickly lead you to this desired vision of the future?

If you are having trouble, ask yourself which of your options are most likely to divert you from this future? Then eliminate them.

Fourth, determine your mission.

You have now begun to define your values, and youve created a vision for the future. Ask yourself why you want this future? What inside of you is driving you to want this outcome? Basically, what emotion(s) is driving you?

Now, look at your remaining options. Which option(s) is most likely to help you fulfill your mission?

If you are having trouble, ask yourself which option doesnt seem to be congruent with your mission? Then eliminate it.

Finally, set your priorities.

You have determined your top values. You have created a vision for your future. You have defined your mission.

Now, in order to fulfill your mission, achieve your vision and act in congruency with your values, you must figure out what actions are the most important for you to see your desires become manifest. Write these actions down.

These actions are your priorities.

Now, look at your remaining options. Ask yourself, which ones are in alignment with your priorities?

Of course, if youre having trouble, ask yourself which options(s) is most out of alignment with your priorities. Then eliminate it.

If youre like most people you should have come to your decision long before you reached the Priorities step, so youd be all set.

However, in the event that you have gone through all these steps and still have more than one option left that is okay.

You see, after you have gone through all these steps, you have eliminated all of the options that are outright wrong for you and your business. Whatever options you have left are in alignment with your Values, Vision, Mission and Priorities.

This being the case, any of your options will be beneficial to you and your business.

The only thing that will really hold you back from committing to a decision at this point is the desire for a guaranteed outcome and/or the desire to pursue more than one option at the same time.

To this all I can tell you is that there are no guarantees in life or business, and trying to pursue too many options at once will keep you from seeing any of them through to the end.

However, I can guarantee that not taking action will eventually leave you worse off than you are now. And if your options have survived the Values, Vision, Mission and Priorities process, than all of them will help you in some way, so pursuing and completing any one of them will help you achieve all of them faster.

Therefore, you can choose any option to start and know that you are making the right choice.

Erik Luhrs is the President of Make Your Business BOOM! Inc. He provides Consulting, Coaching and Seminars on Business & Performance Optimization to Executives and Business Owners all over the world. Visit to request a complimentary Business Optimization Consultation today. Horus Blog22463
Joshua Blog82588

Look Hot When It Is Hot

Summer time is sunscreen time. It is time to show off flat tummies and wear sing lets and open to sandals. The crux is heat is on and it take some smart tricks to keep you in shape for great summers.

You need to review your beauty routine. It is just not buying lipstick and sunscreen, but much more you may need to look more gorgeous by showing something and hiding back many things. It is whole of your personality, physical or emotional which makes you beautiful inside out and outside in. Lets review some of way to natural beauty.

1. Do the leggy works

Summer time is great because it helps to wear mini and shorts skirts. But your legs should not be looking pillar holding the building. Believe me nothing makes you look and feel better than a regular exercise routine. You can go for swimming, outdoor games, biking & hiking. Even a 30 minute brisk walk in morning can do wonder. Make a good to shed off those extra 3 to 4 kg and keep yourself discipline.

2. Cool Shades

Take a new look at your dresses. Some cosmetics cant stand the heat. Go for new cooling eye make up from Maybelline or Elle 18 cool eyes-a liquid liver that keeps your lids icy. Stay away heavy foundation and instead choose light powder and liquid bare from shiseido, Mac, Versace and Aviance. Opt for water proof make-up as sweat tends to make the kohl and foundation smeary.

3. Hair on ends

Have a cool designer hair cuts. Best time to make your next hair appointment is when you are visiting the saloon.

4. Come out of the closets

Take a hard look at your closets. Throw away the cloths which you have not worm for last 18 months. Making decision about your wardrobe will make room for better possibilities and current styles. Do the same with your beauty drawer.

5. Choose the Radical

Rethink your diet to maxi mire your level of energy. Experiment by eliminating certain foods until you have optimum level.

And finally drinks a lot of water. It keeps you fresh for whole day.

Nisha Sharma is Staff writer at She specializes in Women Psychology and issues. You can reach her at Edwige Blog5695
Christine Blog3390

Microsoft Certification: Your Career Is Waiting!

Microsoft, a leader in the IT industry, has developed a number of certification programs for professionals working in the business. The programs allow you to decide which certification is appropriate and best suited for your career. There are over 2 million IT professionals with Microsoft certification. You can join their ranks and greatly enhance your professional career with Microsoft Certification. It's important to note that Microsoft has restructured their programs to be very targeted.

Microsoft provides plenty of support as you study for your various certifications. The training includes classroom training, self-study kits, computer-based training, online classes, and books, and certification guides. You can take advantage of the way that you learn best. Depending on the career path you have chosen, you will find a certification that matches your skill set. Microsoft plans to, over time, introduce exams that rely on simulations and performance items.

You start by taking the appropriate entry- level certification. Prepare yourself with the most suitable Microsoft Certification Guides. You need to choose the right guide. A list follows of the various Certification Guides you can choose from. Match you expertise with these guides.

MCSE certification (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) is an industry standard targeted at the IT professional and provides the skills and training needed to design and implement infrastructure functions based on the Microsoft Windows 2000 platform and Microsoft server software such as MCSE Messaging and Security.

MCSA certification (Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator) is for IT professionals who need skills and knowledge to administer system environments based on desktop and server operator systems. This training focuses on managing and troubleshooting system environments. With this level of certification you can now prepare for specializations like MCSA Security and Messaging.

MCDST certification (Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician) is for students who need the right skills and training to troubleshoot ordinary hardware and software issues in Microsoft Windows environments.

MCAD.NET certification (Microsoft Certified Application Developer ) provides you with the skills and knowledge that allows you to develop and maintain department level applications for Web clients, desktop client, components, and back-end data services all the way from development to maintenance.

MCSD.NET certification (Microsoft Certified Solutions Developers) is for IT professionals with the skills and knowledge needed for developing and designing leading edge business solutions by using various Microsoft tools, platforms, technologies and architectures. This certification allows you to develop custom .NET-based applications. This training encompasses everything from analysis to design, development, testing and maintenance using Microsoft development tools, technologies, and platforms. You become an expert on all aspects of the application life cycle.

MCITP certification (Microsoft Certified IT Professional Database Administrator) is for IT professionals who need to plan, administer, deploy, support and maintain databases created by using various Microsoft products.

MCITP certification (Microsoft Certified IT Professional Database Developer) gives you the skills and knowledge to plan, deploy, support, maintain and optimize IT infrastructures and databases created by using Microsoft products such as Windows Application Developer, Web Application Developer, or Enterprise Applications Developer.

MCPD certification (Microsoft Certified Professional Web Developer) distinguishes expert professionals who are Windows application developers, Web application developers, and enterprise application developers. Experts with these skills can build targeted applications using different platforms in the Microsoft.NET Framework 2.0.

MCPD certification (Microsoft Certified Professional Developer) is for students who need to distinguish themselves as an expert in comprehensive Windows application development, enterprise application, and Web application development using platforms that use the Microsoft.NET Framework. This certification is a stepping- stone to other Microsoft certifications.

MCTS.NET 2.0 certification (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist) is designed fir IP professionals who target specific technologies and demonstrate in-depth knowledge of .NET 2.0 and other specialized Microsoft technologies.

MCTS.NET 2.0 certification (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist) is for IT professionals who work with enterprise environment databases. It provides students with in-depth training and skills for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 product.

MOS certification (Microsoft Office Specialist) is designed for IT professionals who need the skills and knowledge to understand and use the advanced features of Microsoft Office software.

MOS MI certification (Microsoft Office Master Instructor) qualifies you to teach MOS courses.

Microsoft Certified Architect Program is designed for IT professionals who can apply successful frameworks and methodologies to create an architecture from beginning to end, through the IT life cycle.

CLC certification (Microsoft Certified Learning Consultant) is a credential for expertise in designing and delivering customized learning solutions for other IT professionals.

MCBDA certification (Microsoft Certified Database Administrators) are trained to design, implement and administer Microsoft SQL Server databases.

MCT certification (Microsoft Certified Trainers) are instructors who are qualified to deliver Microsoft training courses. MCTs are authorized to deliver Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC) or Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN).

Scott Elliott owns and operates IT Certification Guides for Microsoft Certifications.Fulbert Blog59205
Enzyme Blog91200

Hurdle Free Low Cost Finance Ensured On Availing Council Tenant Loan

When a tenant lives in a certain place for considerable duration, he may like to buy that place or home and therefore he is called a council tenant. The tenant also has some rights on repairing or renovating their place of living. Council tenants therefore require funds to maintain the place or home they live in. With their limited income sources, there is no option other then to go for council tenant loan. However council tenant loan providers do not restrict tenants in utilizing loan for different purposes like debt consolidation, enjoying holiday trip, buying a vehicle etc.

Usually tenants do not own property so they can not take a secured loan. Therefore one can say that council tenant loan is normally unsecured loan. Lenders however need to secure the loan in the form of credibility of the tenant. This is done on going through credit history, income source, employment and financial position of the tenant. To take council tenant loan documents of income, employment and others demanded by the lender should be produced.

If the tenant has good credit history, council tenant loan is available to him at easier terms-conditions. He is likely to get higher loan amount at lower interest rate because of his good credentials, though unsecured loans do not come at lower interest rate.

In case tenant has bad credit, council tenant loan is equally available to him. The terms-conditions however may be a bit harder. Because of adverse creditability and history of repeated payment defaults, lenders offer the loan at higher interest rate to cover risk. Bad credit happens to tenants due to payment defaults on their part and County Court Judgments against them.

Council tenant loan is offered for a shorter period which is normally sufficient for paying off smaller loan that tenants normally require. The loan is approved fast as there is no need for lenders to waste time in evaluating collateral. Tenants are also free of any anxiety over loosing property. As far as higher interest rate is concerned, it can be taken care of by comparing different loan packages. Because of increasing competition in the loan market, lenders are willing to reduce interest rate fro deserving candidate.

To avail the loan at low cost, apply online for the loan. Council tenants get number of loan offers in response to the application and can compare for lower interest rate. Online lenders charge no fee on providing relevant information or on processing application.

Council tenant loan enables tenants in availing required finance at comparatively lower interest rate and low cost. The loan may help in improving credit score of tenants if paid back in time.

Peter Taylor is a senior financial analyst at FastCashLoanTenant with an acumen for finance and insurance. In recent years he has taken up to provide independant financial advice through his informative articles. His articles are widely read because of the lucid manner of wriiting and thoroughly researched datas. To find Unsecured tenant Loan , Council tenant loan, Fast cash loan tenant UK, Bad credit tenant loan that best suits your need visit Blog5920
Chateau Blog26447