Imperial Blog

Monday, February 4, 2008

Motoring Tips 10 Ways To Reduce The Cost Of Driving

The cost of motoring has risen significantly in recent years, particularly with the rapid rise in petrol prices. There are however a number of ways in which you can reduce the cost of motoring. Try following our Top 10 Tips below and you could be driving further for less.

1. Get the best deal on petrol prices. The price of petrol can vary by as much as 10p a litre in local areas. is a free service allowing people to search for the cheapest petrol in their area. They review 8,000 prices daily to ensure that their information is as up-to-date as possible.

2. Drive in the highest gear. Driving at high speeds in low gears can result in 45% more fuel being consumed than needed.

3. Keep your tyres pumped up to the correct level. Fuel economy can be improved by up to 5% by keeping your tyres inflated to the correct level. The recommended pressure for your tyres can be found in your vehicle handbook and, in some cases, next to the air device at petrol stations.

4. Dont drive erratically. Constantly accelerating and braking consumes more fuel than smoother driving. Look ahead to anticipate potential road blockages which will reduce the need for sudden breaking. For peak efficiency dont push the accelerator down further than one-quarter of the total foot travel.

5. Save money on car insurance. Internet comparison sites, such as, are an excellent way to find the cheapest quote. Car insurance quotes can vary by hundreds of pounds so huge savings can be made.

6. Find cheaper parking. Many people now rent out their driveway or garage to commuters on a long-term basis. is a site where cheaper long-term parking can be found.

7. Dont overuse the air conditioning or heater. Overheating the car and then having to open the windows is a waste of energy and lowers your fuel economy.

8. Avoid short journeys. Driving short distances is significantly less fuel efficient than longer journeys. For example, every time your car engine is turned on it is equivalent to idling your engine for one minute. Instead set time aside to walk short distances.

9. Share a journey. Sharing a lift into work with one other person slashes your fuel bill by half by allowing you to share the cost of driving. has over 130,000 members and provides a way of finding someone traveling in your direction.

10. Close your windows. Having windows open at high speeds creates significant drag meaning that more fuel is used. Even if closing your windows means the air conditioning is required it is still more fuel efficient.

Charles Cridland founded, a site where you can earn money through renting out your private parking space, or find convenient and affordable long-term parking.Koralle Blog72013
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